The collective anger of mothers was not going to stay suppressed for long.
It's time their stories were heard...
Motherhood in Lockdown: 150 Mothers on Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum in a Pandemic, written by Dasie Lane, highlights 'The Lockdown Mama Community', an online group of mothers brought together in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This Community was asked to write about their pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences during this global upheaval, as a therapeutic exercise to make sense of its challenges and trauma.
The Mamahood Space's Alisha Samms was one of the 150 honest accounts making up this monumental collective case study.
When I opened up the email to see that I had been selected to feature in the book, I was so ecstatic. It is such a joy to be amongst other mamas who've had different or similar struggles within lockdown, and it is a great outlet for our voices to be heard. – Alisha
Throughout the book are stories of babies being birthed, grown, raised, and in some cases, lost. Mothers were isolated, restricted, and driven to extremes as they fought to survive and adapt. Mistakes were made, showcasing the impact of harsh maternity restrictions on maternal mental health in the UK.
The blurb urges that:
Mothers must not become the forgotten victims of the pandemic. We didn't lose our lives, but many of us lost our sanity. This must never be allowed to happen again.
You can purchase Dasie Lane's Motherhood in Lockdown: 150 mothers on pregnancy, birth and postpartum in a pandemic, via Amazon now.
